Explorer cube:
1 open side + 1 closed side + 2 circle sides + 2 rung sides
L x W x H: 58 x 58 x 58 cm
Sprouts: 2.8 cm diameter, distance 8.2 cm
Weight: 8.5kg
Skylight cube:
1 open side + 2 closed sides + 2 circle sides + 1 rung side
L x W x H: 58x58x58cm
Sprouts: 2.8 cm diameter, distance 8.2 cm
Weight: 11kg
L x W: 117 x 41.4 cm
Rungs: 2.8 cm diameter, distance 5.7 cm
Weight: 3.5kg
Can be used on both sides: one side as a slide, the other as a climbing ramp L x W: 117 x 41.4 cm
Weight: 6.9kg